Seniors Week in Public Libraries

Seniors Week in Public Libraries
From October 1-7, 2018, libraries in Nova Scotia will be focusing on Seniors. A variety of programs and events are being offered - please check with your local library to see if something appeals to you and your family. Seniors Week is one of the many activities taking place in October, Canadian Library Month.
Here is a listing of activities from some of Nova Scotia’s library regions:
Annapolis Valley Regional Library:
Architecture Week Exhibit
October 1 (and all week)
Kentville Library
The Kentville Library celebrates Architecture Week. Come in and see our exhibit of architecture panels in the lobby. The display will be open to the public from October 1 to 5. On Friday we will wrap up the festivities with a closing reception from noon to 2pm.
Games Night
October 1
Windsor Library
Weekly board games in the Activity Room for adults and teens. *Please use back door* Games Night events are organized by Valley Game Night in partnership with AVRL. 6 p.m.
Rosa M. Harvey Library 25th Anniversary Celebration!
October 2
Rosa M. Harvey Library – Middleton
Drop in for cake and refreshments as we celebrate 25 years in our location. 10-3 p.m.
Network Knitting
October 2
Kentville Library
Come knit with us. Bring your project, your materials and join in the fun. Tea is provided. 12 noon – 2 p.m.
Seniors’ Games Night
October 3
Annapolis Royal Library
We'll provide an assortment of games, you provide the conversation and laughs! For adults 55 and up. 6:30-8 p.m.
Stretch & Strength for Seniors
October 3
Hantsport Library
A half-hour class with the Yoga Hen, Holly Ross, that will focus on exercises to help maintain strength and flexibility and will also include some breathing exercises. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle. Everyone welcome. 10-10:30 a.m. Registration is required.
Fibre Craft
October 3
Hanstport Library
For knitters, hookers, crocheters, weavers and spinners ... and all other fibre craft artists. An opportunity to share stitches & time. Bring your own project and join us for a cup of tea and a chat. Every Wednesday afternoon from 1-3pm. Everyone welcome! For more info call the branch during open hours at 902-684-0103.
Harvest Coffee and Tea Social
October 4
Rosa M. Harvey Library in Middleton
It's a coffee and tea social. Beverages and treats, games and great company will all be included in this hour of fun. Come on out and join us. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Pre-registration is required.
Between the Covers Book Club
October 4
Rosa M. Harvey Library in Middleton
Curling up with a good book is a great way to spend an evening. Another great way to spend an evening is to sit around with a group of friends and share thoughts and ideas about these books. Come and join us for great company and lively discussions! We will be discussing "Room" by Emma Donoghue and hand out next month's selection "Witches of New York" by Ami McKay. If interested, please call the library at 902-825-4835 for details. 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Bridgetown Rug Hookers
October 4
Bridgetown Library
In honour of Seniors Week, the Bridgetown Rug Hookers will hold their October 4th meeting at the Library. New participants are welcome. Please bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided. 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Free Hearing Health Check
October 4
Berwick Library
Connect Hearing is offering free hearing health checks at the Berwick & District Library. Please call to book an appointment, 902-538-8060. A check will take about 15 minutes. This is only for adults. Please call or drop in to set up an appointment if you have not had a recent hearing check and do not wear hearing aids.
Connector Networking
October 4
Berwick Library
New to the area? Looking for work in your field but not getting anywhere? Enjoy a game of Trivia, find out about the Valley Connector Program, and grow your networks. 6-8 p.m. Sign up at Hosted by the Valley Connector Program.
Seniors’ Week Drop In
October 4
Kingston Library
In conjunction with "Senior's Week", drop-in to the Kingston Library for conversation, displays and subject matter from a simpler time. Sing a song or two and light refreshments will be served. 1 p.m.
Fibre Ops
October 5
Windsor Library
For knitters, hookers, crocheters, weavers and spinners ... or anyone who enjoys the fibre craft arts. An opportunity to share stitches & time. Bring your own project. Every Friday. Everyone welcome! 10 a.m. – 12 noon
The Berwick Library Book Club
October 5
Berwick Library
The Club meets on the first Friday of each month in the Kings Mutual Living Room, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. You may join at any time. This month’s title TBA. Check at
Architecture Week Closing Reception
October 5
Kentville Library
The Kentville Library celebrates Architecture Week. Come in and see our exhibit of architecture panels in the lobby. The display will be open to the public from October 1 to 5. On Friday we will wrap up the festivities with a closing reception from noon to 2 p.m.
Friday Game Time
October 5
Bridgetown Library
Spend your Friday afternoons playing games at the library. Skip-Bo, Scrabble and more! For Adults. Please call the library for details at 902-665-2758.
Board Game Night
October 5
Wolfville Memorial Library
Weekly board games in the C@P Lab for adults and teens. 7 p.m. Games Night events are organized by Valley Game Night in partnership with AVRL.
Charles Macdonald and his Faerie Houses
October 6
Berwick Library
Join us for an informative program about Centreville resident, Charles Macdonald and the Faerie Cottages he built at Huntington Beach. 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Cape Breton Regional Library:
‘Outlander’ @ the Playhouse (in partnership with the Louisbourg Library branch)
October 1st at 7 PM
Louisbourg Playhouse
Many readers have been following the adventures of Claire and Jamie Fraser in the popular ‘Outlander’ series by Diana Gabaldon.
The Louisbourg Library will be offering an ‘Outlander’ evening, with talks on some of the Celtic traditions and themes that weave into the ‘Outlander’ series, such as highland faeries, Scottish battles and rebellions, and clan crests and tartans.
Guest speakers include, Ronald Labelle (CBRL Storyteller in Residence), Scott Moir (CBU Associate Prof in History & Folklore) and Deana Lloy of Red Label Kilts in Sydney.
The evening will also have traditional music and food.
All ages welcome!
This FREE program is organized by the Cape Breton Regional Library and hosted by the Louisbourg Playhouse. For more info. phone the Louisbourg Library 902-733-3608.
Crafters’ Social
October 2 from 6:30-8 pm
New Waterford Library
Bring your current craft project to work on and library staff will put the tea on!
Everyone welcome.
Fibre Lunch
October 4 from 1-3 pm
Wilfred Oram Centennial Library (North Sydney)
Drop in with your fibre craft project for conversation and a cup of tea.
Everyone welcome.
Fibre Lunch
October 5 from 1-3 pm
McConnell Library (Sydney)
Drop in with your fibre craft project for conversation and a cup of tea.
Everyone welcome.
Friday Night Knitting Club
October 5 from 7-8:30 pm
Glace Bay Library
All ages welcome to Friday Night Knitting Club.
October 6 from 5-6 pm
Baddeck Library
The practice of mindfulness meditation can help reduce stress and promote awareness. Baddeck Library’s weekly meditation group has been going strong for several years, and warmly welcomes new folks. Drop by on Saturdays at 5:00 and check it out!
Instruction is provided.
Pictou Antigonish Regional Library:
Makerspace Mondays ... Silhouette crafting - River John
October 1, 10am – 12pm
River John Library
Join us Monday mornings from 10am to 12pm, at the River John Library's C@P site for Silhouette crafting sessions with Marg! Learn how to make fancy cards, little gift boxes, decorative display items, decals for stickers (for mugs, windows, skateboards...) or iron-on decals for fabrics. Sky's the limit! For more information, please contact the River John Library (902-351-2599).
Your Benefits... learn about the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS), an information session with Craig Graham, Service Canada - Antigonish
October 1, 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Antigonish Town & County Library
Please join Craig Graham with Service Canada, for a presentation on the Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Security benefit. This presentation is intended to give you general information about the OAS and CPP pensions.
(NEW!) Yarn Circle - Westville
October 2, 10:30am – 11:30am
Westville Library
Join us as we get creative! It could be knitting, crocheting or other crafty creations. For more information on this new program, call (902) 396-5022.
Eating Wild in Eastern Nova Scotia, with author Jamie Simpson - New Glasgow
October 2, 6:30pm – 7:30pm
New Glasgow Public Library
All are welcome to join us this evening for an author reading & presentation by Jamie Simpson, of the his newly published book "Eating Wild in Eastern Canada: a guide to foraging the forests, fields and shorelines". An illustrated narrative guide to collecting, cooking, and eating wild food on the East Coast. Tonight's program is co-hosted by the Pictou County Naturalists Club. Copies of the book will be available for purchase.
"Run, Benny, Run", an author reading with Gary Chisholm - Community Cafe (snacks and light refreshments served)
October 3 2pm – 3pm
Antigonish Town & County Library
Join us for a variety of speakers along with some tea, coffee and light snacks! All are welcome. For more information or to suggest a speaker, call (902) 863-4276. Today we welcome local author, Gary Chisholm, to share his book, "Run, Benny, Run". We will also be joined by special guest, Benny Lagundzija.
- About the book: The gripping, true story of a brave young man, Benedikt Lagundzija and his family dealing with the horrors of World War Two, in Nazi occupied Yugoslavia. The reader will feel Ben's pain and joy as he escapes and eventually comes to Canada.
A recent CBC interview with Gary and Benny, Run, Benny, Run - Mainstreet PEI, April 29, 2016 (Season 2016, Episode 300248457) , 07:39 min
Knitting Circle (all ages, drop-in)
October 3 2pm – 3pm
Antigonish Town & County Library
Stop in, connect with others and knit! All are welcome, for more information call 902-863-4276.
Celebrating Mi'kmaq Heritage Month, with Tonya Francis - Community Cafe (tea, coffee and light snacks provided)
October 3 2:30pm – 3:30pm
Westville Library
Join us as this month, with special guest, Tonya Francis as we celebrate Mi'kmaq Heritage Month together. Experience Mi'kmaq history and culture which honors their rich tradition, values and way of life. Tea, coffee and light snacks will be served, for more information or for speaker suggestions call (902) 396-5022. All are welcome!
Your Benefits... learn about the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS), an information session with Craig Graham, Service Canada
October 3 3pm – 4:30pm
New Glasgow Public Library
Please join Craig Graham with Service Canada, for a presentation on the Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Security benefit. This presentation is intended to give you general information about the OAS and CPP pensions.
Gaelic Friends (pre-registration required)
October 4 1pm – 2pm
Pictou Library
Interested in learning Gaelic? Drop in and meet others that are interested too! For more information and to register in advance, call (902) 485-5021.
A special Tech Time to celebrate Canadian Library Month (drop-in)
October 4 2pm – 4pm
New Glasgow Public Library
Drop in and help us celebrate Canadian Library Month by experiencing what else the library has to offer beyond books! Did you know that the Library has a 3D printer, a button maker, or a WiiU? Come by to try out a new to you technology that is available at the New Glasgow Library. All ages are welcome. For more information, please call the New Glasgow Library, (902) 752-8233.
Knifty Knitters Knitting and Crocheting Group (drop-in)
October 4 3pm – 4:30pm
Pictou Library
Drop in to knit and crochet with others every Thursday afternoon. Bring your own yarn and needles, patterns and written instructions will be available. For more information, please contact the library at 902-485-5021.
Digital Photography course for adults, with James Smeaton (4-weeks, registration required) - Antigonish
Thu, October 4, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Antigonish Town & County Library (Meeting Room), 283 Main St, Antigonish, NS B2G 2C3, Canada (map)
Join us for a 4-week digital photography course with James Smeaton, a local photographer, who will be sharing his professional tips for great pictures using your cell phone camera. The course will be held over 4 weeks and will conclude with a showing of each participant’s favorite picture printed and framed. There is no cost and we ask participants to bring their own smart phone. Registration is required. For more information, and to register, please contact the Antigonish Library at (902) 863-4276.
Book Club - River John
October 4 6:00pm – 7:45pm
River John Library
Books, discussion - repeat! Join us for our monthly book club where we will chat about what we read. For more information, or to arrange for a copy of the book - please call the River John Library, (902) 351-2599.
Women on Wheels (WOW) in partnership with Pictou Recreation
Fri, October 5, 10am – 11am
Pictou Library
Join us for this information session on the Women on Wheels program for a healthy snack and a ride. In partnership with Pictou Recreation, connect with other women through this group, enjoy short bike rides on local trails and roads, and learn new skills!
Knitting Circle led by the RJ Square Knitters (all ages, drop in)
October 5 10am – 11am
River John Library
Join the library and the RJ Square Knitters for a fun morning of stitching and chatting! All are welcome. For questions, call (902) 351-2599.
Knitting Circle led by the Stellar Knitters (all ages, drop-in)
October 5 1pm – 2pm
Stellarton Library
Join us for an afternoon of stitching and conversation in the cozy atmosphere of the Stellarton Library. All are welcome (please bring your own needles, yarn or hooks). For more information, please call the library (902-755-1638).
Sharing Stories (drop-in, social) - Pictou
Fri, October 5, 2pm – 3pm
Pictou Library, 40 Water St, Pictou, NS B0K 1H0, Canada (map)
Description: Sharing stories, discover your community! All welcome to drop-in and join us today, for a social time with friends and neighbours - for a game of cards, Scrabble, jigsaw puzzle... and enjoy a cup of tea with oatcakes. For more information, please contact the Pictou Library at (902) 485-5021. October 1 to 7, 2018 is NS Public Libraries Seniors Week.
Western Counties Regional Library:
Drop-in and Play Games
October 2
Isaiah W. Wilson Memorial Library (Digby)
Seniors age 50+ are invited for an informal friendly game of Cribbage, Scrabble or Skip Bo.
Seniors Colouring Night
October 2
Clark’s Harbour
This is an evening for seniors to join in the fun of our Adult Colouring night. All are welcome.
Seniors Social
October 2, 1:30 to 4 p.m.
Shelburne Library
Join us for an afternoon of coffee and conversation. Meet your neighbours and share your interests. Find a good book to take home.
Seniors and Colour / Les aînés et couleur
October 2, October 3, October 4, October 5 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Older adults can gather, socialize and colour with friends. / Les aînés peuvent se rassembler, socialiser et colorer avec des amis.
Financial Wellness for Seniors
October 3
Meteghan (Clare)
As part of Seniors Week, there is an information session on financial wellness with Lisette Saulnier of the Caisse populaire de Clare. She will discuss senior financial abuse, how to recognize if you or a loved one are being taken advantage of and what advanced planning tools you can use to protect yourself or your loved ones. This is in partnership with Caisse populaire de Clare.
Celebrating Seniors Week
October 4, 7 p.m.
Older adults can join us for an evening of fun card games such as Wizard, Auction 45 and Fours. If you do not know how to play these games, we will teach you.
Seniors Hand Crafters Night
October 4, 6 to 8 p.m.
Clark’s Harbour
This is an evening for seniors to join in the fun on Hand Crafters Night. All welcome.
Seniors Week: Chair Yoga with Tamara McIntyre
October 4, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Yoga instructor Tamara McIntyre will lead participants through a session of one of the most beneficial kinds of yoga for seniors.
Seniors Café
October 5, 2:30 – 3:30
Isaiah W. Wilson Memorial Library (Digby)
Drop-in for a light refreshment and local musical entertainment.
Seniors Game Day
October 6, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Clark’s Harbour
This day celebrates Seniors Week by offering a day for older adults to get together and play board games and cards.
Seniors Week: Belly Dancing for Fun and Fitness
October 6, 2 to 3 p.m.
Instructor Emily Stewart will lead participants through a fun-filled session of belly dancing for fun and fitness.