Learn At Play, Every Day – Family Literacy Day is January 27

Family Literacy Day (FamilyLiteracyDay.ca) is a national campaign created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999. It is held annually on January 27 to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family.
ABC Life Literacy Canada is encouraging families to "Learn at play, every day." Engaging in literacy activities as a family improves a child’s skills and also helps adults keep their skills sharp.
Here are a few ideas to get your family started, posted on the Family Literacy Day website - http://abclifeliteracy.ca/fld/activity-ideas
Public Libraries across Nova Scotia are celebrating Family Literacy Day with events and programming that includes everything from throwing a party, to special storytimes, puppet shows, family games, crafts, music, and more. Contact your local public library to see what is happening in your community - http://library.novascotia.ca/map
Below is a list of resources to help your family celebrate!
Let’s Play Together: A Guide for Parents of 4-Year Olds
Jouons ensemble: Guide à l’intention des parents d’enfants de 4 ans
Toqi milita’nej: Let’s Play Together: A Guide for Parents of 4-Year Olds
How To Read to Your Baby
Family Literacy Fun
Fun Online Activities from TD Summer Reading Club
How to Choose Books for Children and Teens