Nova Scotia Public Libraries Celebrate Teen Read Week May 1-7 2016

Some of the things happening include: contests, movie screenings, games, art displays, book displays, crafts, teen nights and more. Stop by your local library to find out more.
Teen Read Week allows public libraries to celebrate teens and their contributions as part of the public library community, and for public libraries to highlight the services, collections and programs they offer youth in Nova Scotia.
Today’s public library offer Teens more than just books, they offer:
Teen spaces – places to meet with friends, study, or hang out, space to work on projects or meet with groups youth are involved in, a community space to call home.
Collections – public libraries have special “Young Adult” collections with both fiction and non-fiction materials dedicated to teens. Teens can find everything from novels to research books, comics, zines, graphic novels, CDs, DVDs, newspapers, magazines and more.
Electronic resources – virtual services to reach Teens online, offering everything from research databases, to ebooks and electronic magazines, blogs, social media, and online games.
Technology – public libraries provide Teens with access to computers, wifi, and the internet, digital resources and software, printers, technology labs that offer specialized software tools and 3D printers, and a variety of technology programs.
School support – Teens can find help with school projects, public libraries can deliver information resources and staff assistance to young people working on assignments or homework, library staff actively work with public schools to support school projects and the curriculum.
Teen Programs – public libraries across the province deliver hundreds of teen programs every year on everything from gaming, arts, crafts, music, youth development, contests, movie screenings, open mics, gardening, health promotion, dance, reading clubs, cultural celebrations and so much more.
Volunteer, Engage and Get Involved – Many public libraries offer Teens opportunities to volunteer with the library, assisting with programs, becoming a reading buddy to help younger kids develop their reading skills, participate in advisory councils or clubs.
Library cards – that are free, and allow to Teens access everything that public libraries have to offer!
May 1 -7 is also Youth Week and Youth Arts Week across Canada.
Follow Nova Scotia Teen Read Week 2016: #NSTeenRead
And don’t forget to stop by your local public library and find out what’s happening! Find yours:
Public Library - Teen Websites:
Annapolis Valley Regional Library -
Cape Breton Regional Library -
Colchester-East Hants Public Library -
Cumberland Public Libraries -
Eastern Counties Regional Library -
Halifax Public Libraries -
Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library -
South Shore Public Libraries
Western Counties Regional Library -