Librarians in Focus: Faye MacDougall

We learn from each other when we tell stories. - Faye MacDougall, Regional Librarian, James McConnell Memorial Library, Sydney, Nova Scotia
What’s the role of the library in your community?
The Library provides opportunities for learning, and those opportunities begin at the very youngest age. That continues throughout life through the collection of reading materials and events like today’s Singing and Storytelling. The library is the center of the community—it’s truly an exciting place to be!
What do you think is the value of this event and the Canadian Library Month in fostering storytelling and community building?
Through the Canadian Library Month, we work collectively to promote and build awareness around what libraries, and around what libraries can offer. We hold events in a central community spot, opening the doors for everyone to come in and join--plus, it’s free of charge. We plan lots of initiatives in and around the libraries. We are also in schools and daycares.
What new initiatives are you working on?
Through our new Book Mobile we provide services for rural communities that carry collections. We hope with this new vehicle more people will be able to participate in the library features and events.
How can we create a generation of storytellers?
Stories allow us to visualize what somebody is telling us about. They help us to learn. Libraries have so many stories within the libraries, but also not all stories are in books. Singing storytellers allow us to hear stories through the oral traditions along with the stories in our books. There is wealth of information at our fingertips and libraries have a vital role in preserving it as well as making sure that these stories are available to everyone.
How is technology important?
We want to share our resources and let people know them. We provide public access to computers and technology to the community. Not everyone can afford to have access to the Internet and technology. It’s a sign of a truly vibrant community with everyone coming to it and using it for many reasons.